RRC Open Meeting

The Railroad Commission of Texas has scheduled an open meeting (conference) for Wednesday, March 26,  at 9:30 a.m. This meeting will be held in Room 7-100, the Public Utility Commissioners’ Hearing Room, on the 7th floor of the William B. Travis Building in Austin.
To view the webcast visit https://www.adminmonitor.com/tx/rcc/open_meeting.

Glossary for Well Log List

for the Public GIS Map Viewer

Date of Scan - The date the well log was scanned.

Image File Name - The name of the file that the GIS application is linking to

Document Date - The date the well log was run by the log company

Lease Name - The name that describes specific total lease/pooled unit/unitized acreage established for RRC regulatory purposes such as obtaining drilling permits and filing completion reports. All contiguous lease/pooled unit/unitized acreage must be identified with the exact same lease name. Lease names may contain up to 32 characters. Preferred formatting is for last names to be listed first, for example: Smith, John rather than John Smith.

Operator Name - A person, acting for himself or as an agent for others and designated to the Commission as the one who has the primary responsibility for complying with its rules and regulations in any and all acts subject to the jurisdiction of the RRC.

Operator Number - The number assigned to an operator by the RRC.

Permit Number - Permit issued by the RRC to drill, plug back or deepen that does not require an exception.

Well Log Type - Number indicating type of well log.

  • 1 - Resistivity
  • 2 - Conductivity
  • 3 - Density Porosity
  • 4 - Acoustic Porosity
  • 5 - Neutron Porosity
  • 6 - Neutron/Density Porosity
  • 7 - Dip
  • 9 - Computer Processed
  • 10 - Lithology
  • 11 - Bond
  • 12 - Surveys Cased Hole
  • 13 - MRI
  • 14 - Other
  • 15 - Combination:Resistivity/Neutron Density Porosity
  • 16 - Combination:Resistivity/Acoustic Porosity
  • 17 - MIT

Toplogintv - The log will be run for a specific depth interval. This is the depth at the top of that interval.

Btmlogintv - This is the depth at the bottom of the interval for which the log was run.

Comments - This section gives the type of log that was run and filed with the RRC.

Field Name - The name of an area of oil and gas production with at least one common reservoir for the entire area.

Lease Number - Number the RRC assigns to a specific lease.

API Number - This is a unique, permanent, numeric identifier assigned for identification purposes to a wellbore. It consists of 8 digits. The fIrst 3 digits are the county code and the last 5 digits are the unique number assigned to identify the wellbore.

Block - The number or letter used in description of a group of surveys identified as a _block_ on the Texas General Land Office county patent survey maps (Example: 101 or A). A block is a defined set of original land surveys. A block has an identifying name and/or number, and surveys within it are usually consecutively numbered sections. Land grants from the State of Texas to railroad companies were often patented in blocks and sections. The term block is also used as a unit of a subdivision, i.e., subdivision/block/lot.

Survey Name - The name of the original grantee or the name of the company, individual or eleemosynary institution that is common among a formed group of surveys as shown on the Texas General Land Office (GLO) county patent survey map or the GLO State Abstract of Land Titles. A survey is a certified measured description of a piece of land. The term sometimes refers to the land itself. In Texas, original surveys were performed as part of the patenting process whereby land was transferred from the public domain. These "patent surveys," recorded at the Texas General Land Office, constitute an official land grid for the State and are the basis for subsequent land surveys.

Total Depth - The maximum depth reached in a well or depth that will be drilled. This is the true vertical depth, not the measured depth. For recompletion permits where the well is being plugged back, the depth where the cast iron bridge plug is set should be indicated as total depth.
