RRC Open Meeting

The Railroad Commission of Texas has scheduled an open meeting (conference) for Wednesday, March 26,  at 9:30 a.m. This meeting will be held in Room 7-100, the Public Utility Commissioners’ Hearing Room, on the 7th floor of the William B. Travis Building in Austin.
To view the webcast visit https://www.adminmonitor.com/tx/rcc/open_meeting.

State Managed Well Plugging

Although most oil and gas wells that are no longer productive are plugged by the responsible operators, the Railroad Commission administers a program to plug abandoned oil and gas wells.

RRC Well Plugging Program Brief PDF
This document provides an overview of the Railroad Commission’s State Managed Plugging Program which began in1984.


Wells Remaining to be Plugged with State Managed Funds PDF file
This list shows wells which remain to be plugged with State funds.  It includes wells where plugging operations may be ongoing or the wells may be included in a plugging contract that: has either been awarded, a bid award is pending; or the initiation of the formal bid process is pending. If you have questions regarding the status of these wells, please contact the appropriate district office.

State Managed Plugging Activities Monthly Reports
These reports include data by month and year of the Railroad Commission of Texas' (Commission) activities related to plugging orphan wells using the Oil & Gas Regulation and Cleanup Fund.


Formations Required to be Isolated Upon Well Plugging Excel File
This document provides information by Commission District and County of Fields/Zones that must be isolated in accordance with 16 Texas Administrative Code §3.13 (Statewide Rule 13).

Approved Cementers ListExcel File
This is a list of Approved Cementers that have an active Organizational Report (Form P-5) on file with the Commission as of 12/1/2024
NOTE—If you are an organization with an approved plugger’s specialty code, but do not appear on this list, contact the Commission’s P-5 Financial Assurance section at (512) 463-6772.
In accordance with Statewide Rule 14, organizations with an approved pluggers specialty code and a delinquent Form P-5 are not authorized to conduct cementing operations.

Orphan Wells with Delinquent P-5 greater than 12 months
This page provides information relating to Orphan Wells for which the Operator's P-5 has been delinquent for more than 12 months. The page also includes the procedure for taking over an Orphan Well for reimbursement to surface owners for plugging such wells.

State Managed Well Plugging (Video)
Although most oil and gas wells that are no longer productive are plugged by the responsible operators, the Railroad Commission of Texas administers a program to plug abandoned oil and gas wells. Watch the video to learn more.
