Nonpoint Source Grant Projects
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has awarded three nonpoint source grants to the Railroad Commission of Texas, administered through the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. Select from the links below for more information about each grant project.
- Colorado River upstream of Spence Reservoir, Howard and Mitchell counties
- Colorado River downstream of Spence Reservoir, Coke and Runnels counties
- Petronila Creek, Nueces county
Quarterly Progress Reports
- Quarterly Report for Segment 1411
Colorado River upstream of Spence Reservoir, Howard and Mitchell counties - Quarterly Report for Segment 1426
Colorado River downstream of Spence Reservoir, Coke and Runnels counties - Quarterly Report for Segment 2204
Petronila Creek, Nueces county (August 2009)
About the Nonpoint Source Grant Program
Section 319 of the Federal Clean Water Act requires each state to address nonpoint source pollution by developing control strategies and implementing activities or best management practices (BMPs) to prevent or abate known water quality problems. Section 319 provides for federal grant assistance to states to support the implementation of management measures and programs.
Nonpoint source pollution management in Texas is a cooperative effort jointly administered by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) and the Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board (TSSWCB). TCEQ administers the Section 319 program in Texas for non-agricultural nonpoint source management programs, and TSSWCB administers the program for agricultural and silvicultural nonpoint source issues.
All nonpoint source grants are awarded for three-year terms on a competitive basis. Projects are reimbursed at a 60% level with a required 40% matching share. Match can be in the form of "in-kind" contributions such as labor, equipment, supplies, and services.
Contact us
For further information about these projects, please contact us.
Nonpoint Source Grant Program
Site Remediation Section
Oil and Gas Division
Phone: 512-462-6765