Comment Form for Proposed Rulemakings

We encourage you to submit your comments concerning proposed rules on-line. Your comments are appreciated and will be reviewed by Railroad Commission staff. For each proposed rulemaking, please note the deadline for receiving comments that is indicated on the Proposed Rules page.

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NOTE:  If you experience an error when submitting the form, please email your comments directly to

If you use this form to submit your comments, you will receive electronic confirmation of your remarks which can be printed for your records.

Note: The online comment form is limited to an amount of text equivalent to about 8 pages or 32K. If your comments will exceed this amount, please submit them using either:

  1. electronic mail to; or
  2. United States Mail to:
    Rules Coordinator
    Railroad Commission of Texas
    Office of General Counsel
    P.O. Drawer 12967
    Austin, TX 78711-2967

No confirmation will be returned for comments submitted by electronic mail or U.S. mail.

* = Required Information
