RRC Open Meeting

The Railroad Commission of Texas has scheduled an open meeting (conference) for Wednesday, March 26,  at 9:30 a.m. This meeting will be held in Room 7-100, the Public Utility Commissioners’ Hearing Room, on the 7th floor of the William B. Travis Building in Austin.
To view the webcast visit https://www.adminmonitor.com/tx/rcc/open_meeting.

Distribution, Gathering and Transmission Annual Reports

Pursuant to Texas Utility Code §§101.001 et. seq. and 16 Texas Administrative Code §7.301, gas utilities are required to complete and return a hard copy (completed electronically or legibly in black ink) of the Distribution, Gathering and Transmission Annual Reports to the Railroad Commission of Texas (Commission) no later than April 1st each year.

Annual Reports

Effective January 2015, the Commission will no longer send hard copies of the Annual Reports to gas utilities to complete and return. Blank copies of the Annual Reports are available for download from the Commission website at:

Download Distribution, Transmission and Gathering Annual Reports

Gas utilities are required to complete and return a hard copy (completed electronically or legibly in black ink) of the Annual Report to the Commission no later than April 1 of the following year. The Annual Report is to be completed for the year ending December 31, in accordance with the “General Instructions” located at the beginning of the report. IMPORTANT: Reference your Company ID No. (listed above the company name on this letter) on the Annual Report cover page.

Requests for Extension

Failure to file this report timely may result in civil penalties. To request a thirty-day (30) extension beyond the April 1st submission deadline, submit a request in writing stating the reason(s) you cannot meet the submission deadline via U.S. Mail ATTN: Yvonne Jackson, Gas Services - Utility Audit, Railroad Commission of Texas, 1701 North Congress Avenue, Austin, Texas 78701 or email to Yvonne.Jackson@rrc.texas.gov.  Any additional extension requests must also be in writing and submitted to the Commission via U.S. mail or email, and include the reason(s) for requesting an additional 30 day extension.

Download Extension Request for Annual Report Form
