Early Bird Registration Ends Soon for 2024 RRC Regulatory Conference

June 21, 2024

Early bird registration for the Railroad Commission of Texas’ (RRC) Regulatory Conference ends on Sunday, June 30, 2024. The registration fee for the conference is $450 per person if registered by June 30, 2024, and $550 per person if registered on or after July 1, 2024.

The conference will be held July 30-31 in Austin at the AT&T Hotel and Conference Center.

The RRC is hosting this conference to inform and train industry representatives on the applicable laws, rules, and procedures for hydrocarbon production in Texas. Plus, it will feature over 60 sessions covering a variety of topics.

In addition to RRC presenters, the conference will feature presenters from Energy World, Industrial Training Services, Mears Group, Inc., National Transportation Safety Board, PHMSA, RCP Inc., RegSafe and Southern Methodist University.

Plus, this year’s conference will again feature exhibitors!

For additional conference information and to register, visit the RRC’s website at https://www.rrc.texas.gov/about-us/organization-and-activities/activities/workshops-and-conferences/2024-rrc-regulatory-conference/.
