RRC Seeking Stakeholder Input
To Aid the Development of the Annual Oil & Gas Division Monitoring and Enforcement Strategic Plan
March 20, 2025Texas Natural Resources Code Sec. 81.066(b) directs the Railroad Commission of Texas to seek input from stakeholders when developing the annual Oil and Gas Division Monitoring and Enforcement Strategic Plan. The statute requires the Commission to develop an annual plan to use oil and gas monitoring and enforcement resources strategically to ensure public safety and protect the environment.
Prior editions of this plan focused on monitoring and enforcement activities occurring within the Commission’s budget structure under Strategy C.1.1: Oil and Gas Monitor and Inspections, and Strategy C.2.1: Oil and Gas Well Plugging and Remediation.
For the FY 2026 Plan, the Commission seeks feedback from stakeholders in the development of action items that will address the totality of oil and gas monitoring and enforcement activities, inclusive of technical permit monitoring and administrative compliance enforcement.
The deadline for feedback is 5 p.m. on Wednesday April 16, 2025. Input can be submitted online by completing the survey at https://survey.alchemer.com/s3/8241073/Oil-and-Gas-Division-Monitoring-and-Enforcement-Strategic-Plan-Stakeholder-Input-FY26
Alternatively, please send written comments to:
Oil and Gas Strategic Plan Stakeholder Input/Oil and Gas Division
Railroad Commission of Texas
P.O. Box 12967
Austin, Texas 78711-2967
Comments received by mail after April 16 may not be incorporated into the fiscal year 2026 iteration of the plan but will be reviewed.