LPG Examination Study Guides
Click on the links below to view, download or print PDF copies of the study guides and supplements for Railroad Commission LP-gas qualifying examinations.
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LPG Management Level
- LPG Category B, E, H, K, N, O
- Category A, A1, A2 ASME/DOT Container Manufacturer, ASME Container Manufacturer, DOT Container Manufacturer
- Category C Carrier
- Category D General Installers and Repairmen
- Category F, G, I and J Cylinder Filling Facility Operator; Motor & Mobile Fuel Dispensing Station Operator
- Category L On-Road Engine Fuel
- Category L Non-Road Engine Fuel
- Category L Mobile Fuel
- Category M Recreational Vehicle
- Category P Portable Cylinder Exchange
LPG Employee Level
- Appliance Service and Installation
- Motor/Mobile Fuel Dispenser
- Bobtail Driver
- DOT Cylinder Filler
- Mobile Fuel
- Non-Road Motor Fuel
- On-Road Motor Fuel
- Recreational Vehicle Technician
- Service and Installation Technician
- Transport Driver