RRC Open Meeting

The Railroad Commission of Texas has scheduled an open meeting (conference) for Wednesday, March 26,  at 9:30 a.m. This meeting will be held in Room 7-100, the Public Utility Commissioners’ Hearing Room, on the 7th floor of the William B. Travis Building in Austin.
To view the webcast visit https://www.adminmonitor.com/tx/rcc/open_meeting.

LPG Certifications

The LP-Gas Safety Rules require each individual performing regulated activities to be certified through examination. There are two different levels of examination: Management and Employee. Individuals who successfully pass an examination will be issued a certificate, which must be readily available while conducting regulated activities.

A licensee must employ at least one company representative who has passed the applicable management-level qualifying examination and met all applicable training requirements. Each license category has a corresponding management level exam. A company representative applicant may not perform work or be employed in any capacity requiring contact with LPG before these requirements are met. Management-level examinations are closed book.

No individual may perform work or be employed in any capacity requiring contact with LPG until he or she has passed the required Railroad Commission qualifying examination. Employee-level examinations are open book. The Commission will provide the publications to be used during the exam.

Taking an Examination
LPG examinations are offered by appointment only. They can be taken online or at the Railroad Commission’s Alternative Fuels Training Center, 4044 Promontory Point. Pre-registration is required for all examinations. Please register at least 7 business days before the scheduled examination.

Online Examinations Online examinations are proctored by a contracted vendor of the Railroad Commission of Texas. Resources allowed during online exam(s) include the appropriate rulebooks and other documents provided by the RRC in digital format. Notes, study guides or other printed materials are prohibited when taking online exams.

Examination Schedule
Click on this link to view a current class/exam schedule of the next three months’ examination dates and locations outside Austin.  If the schedule does not include an examination site near you, please consult future postings for examinations available in your region.

Examination Fees
LPG Management-Level Examination Fee
All categories: $70 per person. This fee is due each time an exam is taken.

LPG Employee-Level Examination Fee
All categories: $40 per person. This fee is due each time an exam is taken.

All Railroad Commission examination and renewal fees are nonrefundable.

Study Guides
LPG Examination Study Guides for these exams are available through this link.

Annual Certification Renewal; Renewal Fees

On or before March 15 each year Alternative Fuels Safety (AFS) mails each LPG licensee a renewal notice for the licensee’s certified employees.  Renewal notices are also mailed to certified individuals who are not employed by a licensed company.

The annual fee to renew an individual’s LPG certification is $35, payable by May 31.  Applicants for certification who pass an initial examination between March 1 and May 31 have until May 31 of the following year to renew their certification. If mailing payment, please do not staple, glue, or tape the check or money order to the renewal notice.

Certified individuals who retire or leave the industry may maintain their LPG certification by paying the $35 annual certification renewal fee. In such cases, please make sure the Railroad Commission knows your current mailing address.

Replacement Railroad Commission certification cards are issued free of charge.

Late Fees
Annual certification renewals paid online or postmarked after May 31 are subject to a nonrefundable $20 late fee.

Transfer Fees
LPG licensees who transfer a currently certified individual to their license are required to submit LPG Form 16A, Certified Employee Transfer Form, and pay a nonrefundable $10 transfer fee. 

AFS welcomes your comments about our programs. E-mail Mark Hood, Training Manager or Karley Bisbano, Department Director.
