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Railroad Commission of Texas

Our mission is to serve Texas by our stewardship of natural resources and the environment, our concern for personal and community safety, and our support of enhanced development and economic vitality for the benefit of Texans.


Register Using CERTS, the Event Registration System

Individuals registering for RRC alternative fuel training, continuing education and exam events will now register using the  Certification Exam Registration & Training System or CERTS. The online system allows individuals working in alternative fuels industries to register and pay for a class and/or exam in a single transaction..

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Who Regulates Railroads in Texas?

The Railroad Commission of Texas no longer has any jurisdiction or authority over railroads in Texas, a duty which was transferred to other agencies, with the last of the rail functions transferred to the Texas Department of Transportation in 2005 ...

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Recent News

Christian Applauds SCOTUS’ Overturning Chevron Deference to Rein in Radical, Unelected Bureaucrats

AUSTIN – Today, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) in Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo empowered federal judges to use independent judgment in deciding whether a government agency has acted within its statutory authority. By overruling the 1984 Chevron USA v. Natural Resources Defense Council –also known as Chevron deference–the Court has ended the practice of federal courts deferring to the legal interpretations of government agencies. Following this historic ruling, Texas Railroad Commissioner Wayne Christian applauded the decision saying:

“For years, liberal unelected government bureaucrats in Washington, D.C. have run roughshod over Americans. That ends now. Thanks to three SCOTUS justices appointed by President Trump, the problem has been fixed. Federal judges now have the authority to rein in runaway bureaucrats, who treat the Constitution like toilet paper and hand out red tape like its Halloween candy,” said Commissioner Christian. “The importance of overturning Chevron deference cannot be overstated. It’s a profound shift in law. After the Dobbs decision that overturned Roe v. Wade, this is the most consequential decision out of the court in years.” 

Christian continued, “This is huge for Texas and other fossil fuel producing states, who must provide reliable energy to Americans and the world. Radical environmentalist administrations, like President Biden’s, hand over the ‘keys to the kingdom’ to federal agencies when Congress doesn’t give them the policies they want. I look forward to thoughtful judges dismantling many of the radical ‘green’ policies pushed by this administration that inhibit our domestic oil and gas production.” 




A lifelong conservative businessman, Wayne Christian was elected as our 50th Texas Railroad Commissioner in November 2016. Prior to his time at the Commission, Christian served seven sessions in the Texas House of Representatives, accumulating a strong record of standing for free markets and against burdensome regulations. Christian is married to his wife, Lisa, and together they have three daughters, Liza, Lindsey and Lauren. You can learn more about Chairman Christian here.

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